Over 3 Billion Success Stories and Counting

As the world's leading manufacturing and marketer of 3D products, we are your one stop shop for anything 3D.

3D Glasses and More

American Paper Optics, or 3Dglassesonline.com, is the leading manufacturer of 3D products, and we are your one-stop shop for all things 3D related. If you are working on a custom project related to 3D images, we’re are ready and willing to partner with you to accomplish it.

We provide the following 3D viewing products:

  • Anaglyphic (red and cyan)
  • Polarized
  • Chromadepth
  • Holospex
  • Decoder Glasses
  • 3D Fireworks
  • Custom Shapes
  • Eclipsers
  • Hand Held Viewers
  • Specialized Lenses
  • True-Vue
  • Plastic Glasses

In addition to 3D solutions and promotional products, we can also design just the right packaging for those products – whether for direct mail, retail or another use.

ISO Approved Eclipse Glasses

3D Glasses Online is proud to offer paper eclipse glasses with an optical density of 5 or greater that are both ISO approved and CE certified. Our solar eclipse glasses are completely safe and made with a scratch resistant black/silver polymer that filters out 100% of harmful ultraviolet rays, 100% of infrared rays, and 99.99% of intense visible light.

A common myth regarding solar eclipses is that a pair of sunglasses is sufficient to protect you from the harmful rays to which your eyes will be exposed. Sunglasses alone are not sufficient eye protection in this situation. If you look directly at an eclipse, it can burn your retina in a matter of seconds, resulting in permanent damage. The solution is to wear special eclipse glasses that are backed by a reputable organization, such as the American Astronomical Society (AAS). All paper eclipse glasses sold by 3D Glasses Online carry this certification.

Let American Paper Optics be your 3D solution provider for all things 3D related! Contact us today.

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